2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: Cotton: Wisconsin -7½

# Team
1 26+6
2 AdamSquared
3 Allman Bros
4 Bad News Bros
5 Beaker's Tweakers
6 Bearvers
7 Big Perm
8 BigB
9 Bill Cosby's Sleepers
10 Billberry's Brotherhood
11 BornLucky
12 Brooklynboyz
14 Car RamRod
15 Champfrancisco
16 Chef Boyar 'DLO'
17 Chicago Sunroofs
18 Chicks Dig The Long Ball!!
19 Clam Chowder
20 ClizzleforSizzle
21 Cobra Kai
22 Danger Zone
23 Dirty VL
24 DocHoliday34
25 Dock Ellis
26 Dubnation
27 Dynamic Duo
28 Eskimo Brothers
29 Eutaw St
30 Famous Jewish Sports Legends
31 Fightin' Amish
32 Fighting Irish
33 Finkle is Einhorn
34 Fo Shizzle My Nizzle
35 Fonzinoons
36 Fraternity House
37 Fried Okra
38 G.B.G. Campaign
39 Giggybunt
40 GoodTimers
41 Greatpoint
42 Grip It and Sip It 3.0
43 Hibernation Dekkers
44 High Street 2.0
45 Hill Country
46 If you ain't first you're last
47 Illibuck
48 Jobu's Rum
49 John's Bunting
50 Jon Grossbard
51 Jowana Mandrave
53 juliorg13
54 Kaye's Footwear
55 Kindergarten Cop
56 Klitz with a K
57 KP Klystrons
58 Longwood Legends
59 M&T
60 Mets2016
61 Metswillbe2016champs
62 Mickey Avalon
63 Mickey's Revenge
64 Midnite Marauders
65 Mmmmmm
66 Mr. Bean
67 Nax Squared
69 O Town
70 OnWisconsin
71 PaleistheNewTan
72 Power Top
73 ProButtSnorkles
74 Red ones
75 Reno time share
76 Revis Island
77 Rocky Mountain Way
78 Rookies of the Year
79 Royale with Cheese
80 Rusty McCrustbuckets
81 Saltine Warrior
82 Sam Rothstein
83 Shenanigans
84 Showtime
85 Shut up and take my money
86 Slomike
87 Smitty513
88 Spaghetti Cat
89 Straight Outta Windmill
90 T-Diddy
91 Tango & Cash
92 Tasty Waves
93 Team Quack
94 That Won team
95 The Ex-Presidents
96 The Meatballers
97 The Right Angle
98 Those that can't teach
99 Tired Bumps
100 Unhung Heros
101 Violet is turning Violet
102 WhereHaveYouGoneJoeDimaggio?
103 Wii Sinead Home Run
105 Wisco
106 Wiseteets
107 Workhorses