2024/2025 Decathlon: Event Summary: Baseball

Status: Locked


Q1: 2023 Postseason
12 MLB teams are in the playoffs and seeded (by league, title and wins) from 1 thru 6. Pick 4 teams whose seeds add up to *at least* 12 points.

5 pts for each playoff win
7 pts for each playoff round win (starting with best-of-3 wildcards and finishing with the best-of-7 World Series)
10 pts for a League Championship Berth
15 pts for a World Series Berth
25 pts for a World Series Championship

Picks will lock at the first pitch of the playoffs, Tue Oct3 ~12n Pacific

Q2: 2024 Regular Season
We have seeded the MLB teams; you must select four AL teams (28 seed cap) and four NL teams (28 cap).

Your teams will earn points as follows:
...2 points for every regular season win over 50
..15 bonus pts to each division champ
..10 bonus pts to each wild-card berth
..20 bonus pts for a League Championship berth
..25 bonus pts for a World Series berth
..50 bonus pts for a World Series title


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