2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: B10 Ohio State

# Team
1 #noquit
2 3 Muskateers
4 Ain't We Lucky We Got 'Em
5 Aldinho and Sully
6 Anti Tar Heel Alliance
7 Art Vandelay
8 Ball Bags
9 Beaker's Tweakers
10 BelicheckYaSelf
11 Big Papi
12 Billberry's Brotherhood
13 Billy Ripken's Bat
14 BornLucky
15 BUCK University
16 CatsByTitty
17 Chez Hector Patel
18 Chicago Sunroofs
19 Chuck Steel
20 ChuEpperFlynn and associates
21 COREY1251
22 Dubnation
23 Eagle Powers and Nutrients
24 El Buzzardo
25 Ellis Burks is slow
26 Favre's Dick Picks
27 Favre's Prick Picks
28 Fighting Irish
29 Fraternity House
30 Fried Okra
31 fsu312
32 Gambling $$
33 Go Bulldogs!
34 Grayson Allen..Still My Hero
35 Greatpoint
36 Gyros & Souvlaki
37 Hapa Haole
38 Hill Country
39 If you ain't first you're last
40 Jenkins Bros
41 jjbdecathlonchamps
42 Kaye's Footwear
43 knocked the f out
44 Kruger Industrial Smoothing
45 Lone Star
47 Mickey's Revenge
48 Midnite Marauders
49 Mmmmmm
50 Morrie's Wigs
51 mp321
52 Mr. Bean
53 MyTeam'sOnTheFloor
54 Nerd Alert!
55 NewEnglndClamChowda
56 NY Jets Are Killing Me
57 Off the Handle
58 OnWisconsin
59 P and V
60 PaleistheNewTan
61 PMI
62 Points in the Paint
63 Reno time share
64 Rich Friedman
65 Ricky Bobby
66 Rico
67 Rico Suave
68 Rocky Mountain Way
69 Rookies of the Year
70 Saltine Warrior
71 San Diego Thank You
72 Smokin Doobies
73 Spaghetti Cat
74 SportsFanatic
75 Straight Outta Windmill
76 Tasty Waves
77 Team CKC
78 Team Tank
79 The 209
80 The 513
81 The Baby Eater
82 The Decs Pistols
83 The Dude Abides
84 The hawks
85 The Salty Dogs
86 The Scuba Squad
87 The Usual Suspects
88 The Vlad Lads
89 Too many Simons
90 Unhung Heros
91 Urban Shocker
92 Van Buren Boys
93 Warren Buffett's Quant
94 Wisco
95 You Can't Teach That
96 You're Guilty