2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: Rose: Michigan -1½

# Team
1 17-0
2 AFC East Beasts
3 Always Next Year
4 Ashley Remembered
5 Atlantic City Knights
6 Attack Each Day
7 Barkley's Boyz
8 Bearvers
9 Big Red Leopards
10 BigB
11 Boiling Hot Dog Water
12 Boo-Yah!
13 Brick’Shithouse
14 Brodermp
15 Brooklynboyz
16 Buckle Up
17 BushwoodBlaster
18 Bye Shane
19 Caffeine Achiever
20 Cinghiale
21 Dad Boner
22 Dangerous Midge and the PissAnts
23 Darkness Retreat
24 Degenerates
25 Desantis 2024
26 Dirty Sanchezs
27 Do Wrong Right
28 Don’t Get Dead
29 DoubleDown11
30 DRM2023
31 Edge Best
32 EZ Winners
33 Fifth Wheel
34 Five Oompa Loompas
35 Fonzinoons
36 G.B.G. Campaign
38 Goetta Gang
39 Golden Earrings
40 Greatpoint
41 Gronkey Kong
42 GutterTrojans
43 Handsy Docs
44 Hard Rock’s $$$
45 Hawks
46 HenryDoy
47 HMD Industries
48 I am Kenough
49 In play out(s)
50 JoeRobbieStadium
51 Johnny Backpacks
52 Johnny Utah
53 Just Win Baby
54 JustFly
55 Kenyon’s Not So Great Picks
56 Killer B's
57 Killerkash
58 KP8 MVP
59 KwazeyBonez
60 Low Expectations
61 LucCon2024
62 Make America Gronk Again
63 MyWifeHidMyBonerPills
64 Nerd Alert!
66 Not Ivan Toney
67 Not Your Average Joel
68 P.Swayze
69 Pare La Musica
70 Patatas
71 phart
72 Philly Dawgs
73 Picks out for Harambe
74 Pinche Gringos
75 Pitter Patter
77 Postcards from Sean
78 Project Badass
79 RaymondBabbitt
80 RunForrestRun
81 Russell The Muscle
82 San Jose State Superfan
83 ScudderRoad
84 Seventh Heaven
85 Shadynasty's
86 ShipWrecked
87 SHTigers
88 Sleehrats
89 Sleepy
91 Sock finger
92 SoHoGoat
93 SportsFanatic
94 Spread the Love
95 Stat Arb 4 DumDums
96 Steven Seagal
97 StevieFranchise10
98 Straw boys
99 SubwayHero
100 Super Cody Bros.
101 Tasty Waves
102 Telemarketing Aces
103 That Ain't Mayo
104 The 209
105 The Acorn Army
106 The Caine-Hackman Theory
107 The Catch
108 The Corporate Elbow
109 The Dancing Bears
110 The Joe West Show
111 The Lazer Show
112 The Redskins
113 The Regular Guy Look
114 The return of 655 Stanley
115 The Rodfather
116 The Salty Dogs
117 The Usual Suspects
118 Thing Two
119 Thor's Hammers
120 TRYAN43
121 Tundra Prius
122 Twice As Nice
123 Valimorons
124 Warr
125 West Virginia Party Boy
126 You Might Win
127 ZFG