2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: MAC Toledo

# Team
1 #1 Seed Killers
2 A2MT
3 Art Vandelay
4 Ashley Remembered
6 BigB
7 Boopers McGee
8 Brooklynboyz
9 BushwoodBlaster
10 Bye Shane
11 Car Ramrod
12 Chuckleheads
13 Cinghiale
14 Creepy n Pervy
15 Dad Boner
16 David Hasselhoff
17 DingleBerries
18 Drool Monkeys
19 DumpsterFire23
20 Eddie and the Cruisers
21 Edge Best
22 EssoTMB
23 EtAl
24 Fifth Wheel
25 Fonzinoons
26 Four Loko
27 Golden Earrings
28 Grey Horse Shelby
29 Gronkey Kong
30 HBro's
31 HMD Industries
32 Hondo
33 idontrecall
34 In play out(s)
35 irishby21
36 JDE
37 JoeRobbieStadium
38 johnlb470
39 Johnny Backpacks
40 Juan
41 Junior Stargazers
42 Kick Names Take Ass
43 Killer B's
44 Killerkash
45 Krudler
46 literal lee
47 Little Yerry Stackhouse
48 Low Expectations
49 MarsExplorer2023
50 Meow Meow Meow
51 Mikes Dec Pics
52 New Miami Patfins
54 Nova 2014
55 P.Swayze
56 Pare La Musica
57 Party Like It's 09
58 Patatas
60 Postcards from Sean
61 Ramblers
62 Red Deaths
63 Rusty's Raiders
64 Sacrifice Blunts
65 San Jose State Superfan
66 ScudderRoad
67 Send Paul, Alphonse, and Andoni Pix
68 Seventh Heaven
69 Sexy Rexy Grossman
70 Shart Garfunkel
71 Shorties Revival
72 Sleehrats
73 soccerdan
74 SportsFanatic
75 Steven Seagal
76 StevieFranchise10
77 SubwayHero
78 Super Sloth
79 Tables
80 Team Beno
81 Team Devlin
82 Team Quack
83 Tequila Howie
84 That Ain't Mayo
85 The Acorn Army
86 The Bizuation
87 The Caine-Hackman Theory
88 The Dancing Bears
89 The Hameltoes
90 The Hatchmen
91 The Lazer Show
92 The Redskins
93 The Regular Guy Look
94 The Salty Dogs
95 The Wild Bunch
96 The513
97 Thing Two
98 Third Wheel
99 Thor's Hammers
100 Truffle Butter Express
101 Tundra Prius
102 Twice As Nice
103 Valimorons
104 Van Buren Boys
105 VFL's
106 Warr
107 Wasted Tacos
108 You Might Win
109 Zander FC
110 ZFG