2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: Winthrop

# Team
1 $3 Miller Lites
2 3 Dudes 1 Couch
3 6 aces, 4skins and a 3 putt
4 Anything is Possiblllllllllllllllllllle
5 Art Vandelay
6 Artichoked
7 Ashley Remembered
8 BDBB - The Original
9 Big Ragu
10 Big Red Leopards
11 Bowron& Bowron
12 Brad Hand Sanitizer
13 Breakfast Beverages
14 Bulls on Parade
15 David Hasselhoff
16 Death Star
17 Declan's Moon
18 Degenerates-R-Us
19 Delusions of Grandeur
20 DillyDilly
21 Do Wrong Right
22 DoubleA & Zola
23 Dutchmen
24 F.C. Poutine
25 fallfromgrace
26 Famous Jewish Sports Legends
27 Favre's Dick Picks
28 Favre's Prick Picks
29 Fighting Irish
30 Fuji Bomb’s
31 G.B.G. Campaign
32 Gambling $$
33 Golden Earrings
34 Greatpoint
35 Hawks Fly Together
36 Henry the Good Doy
37 Howling Spider Monkeys
38 Impractical Jokers
39 In play out(s)
40 It's A Shpadoinkle Day
41 Jets
42 Jimmy Dugan
43 JoeRobbieStadium
44 Juicy Fatty Chicken Patties
45 Just Boys in a World
46 Kick Names Take Ass
48 Locksmen
49 MacM
50 Make America Gronk Again
51 Managing Manager
52 ManorMobbinWVU IV
53 Matt Nagy Me 2 Death
54 MattyRads
55 McMcMont Inc
56 Megatron0525
58 Miami Vice
59 Milk Was A Bad Choice
60 Mill St
61 Nax Squared
63 Not Gelded
64 Off On Your Mother
65 OMG
66 Pa & Ja
67 packers
68 Pare La Musica
69 Party Like It's 21
70 Patatas
71 Poker Boys
72 Project Badass
73 Ramblers
74 Red Deaths
75 Ripped the Dry Snatch on the Dock
76 Roger Dorn Olè Academy
77 Rounders
78 Running 40 Miles on Fruitcake
79 SC_ballerz
80 Shart Garfunkel
81 Shower Sharts
82 Sleehrats
83 SoHoGoat21
84 South Jersey Jamokes
85 Spamoni & Turd
86 Special Ks!
87 The Dude Abides
88 The F8 of Shane
89 The Teds
90 Thirteen Five
91 Trevor’s Kickass Team
92 TrueSpartan
93 Truffle Butter Express
94 Tundra Prius
95 Two Doofs
96 Utility Sports Nuts
97 Valimorons
98 Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
99 Walton’s World
100 War Otto
101 West Virginia Party Boys
102 Yo-Nays