2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: W- Anaheim Ducks

# Team
1 4 in the Stink
2 4Speds
3 6 aces, 4skins and a 3 putt
4 Alaskan Ice Pickers
5 Anything is Possiblllllllllllllllllllle
6 Artichoked
7 Balls of Fuery
8 BamaDad
9 Bean Boge Ballers
10 Beershowers
11 BenSimmonsWitDaPen
12 Big Red Leopards
13 Billy Walters
14 Bowron& Bowron
15 Brad's Crossed Arms
16 Breakfast Beverages
17 Bulls on Parade
18 Chaz Reinhold’s Meatloaf
19 Checksperts
20 CoLo for the win
21 Cult of Cardboard Cutouts
22 Dad Boner
23 Dalé
24 Dancing Bears
25 Deebo’s Bike
26 Delusions of Grandeur
27 Diegens
28 Dingletine
29 Do Wrong Right
30 Dutchmen
31 Eddie's Cruisers
32 EtAl
33 fallfromgrace
34 Favre's Dick Picks
35 Favre's Prick Picks
36 Fightin' Amish
37 Fonzinoons
38 Fuck 2020
39 Go Bulldogs!
40 Grassy Nole
41 Greatpoint
42 Gutter Trojans
43 Handsy Docs
44 Hawks
45 Hawks Fly Together
46 Howling Spider Monkeys
47 idontrecall
48 Impractical Jokers
49 In play out(s)
50 Jets
51 JJBC All-Stars
52 johnb470
53 Johnny Backpacks
54 Just Boys in a World
55 Justice For Breonna
56 Kissing Cousins
57 La Cheeserie!
58 Little Yerry Stackhouse
59 Locksmen
60 MacM
61 Make America Gronk Again
62 Managing Manager
63 MattyRads
64 McMcMont Inc
65 Metaphysical Munchkin
66 Mill St
67 Mr. Jones and Friends
68 Nax Squared
69 No Shorties
70 NY Legends
71 Off the Handle
72 Pablo Escobar
73 packers
74 Party Like It's 09
75 Party Like It's 21
76 PJM
77 Poker Boys
78 Poky Not Pokey
79 PSU Pride
80 Ripped the Dry Snatch on the Dock
81 Roger Dorn Olè Academy
82 Running 40 Miles on Fruitcake
83 Ryan Lynch
84 Samir123
85 Sexy Rexy Grossman
86 Shart Garfunkel
87 she·nan·i·gans
88 Silky Butter
90 South Jersey Jamokes
91 SportsFanatic
92 steel curtain
93 T-Diddy
94 The Antibodies
95 The Dude Abides
96 The F8 of Shane
97 The Hameltoes
98 The Hatchmen
99 The Joe West Show
100 The Mud Dogs
101 The Wild Bunch
102 The209
103 Thing Two
104 Trevor’s Kickass Team
105 TrueSpartan
106 Truffle Butter Express
107 Twice as Nice
108 Valimorons
109 Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
110 War Otto
111 What Comes Next?
112 Wheels of Fortune
113 Yo-Nays
114 You Might Win