2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: AL-C Indians

# Team
1 6 aces, 4skins and a 3 putt
2 Alaskan Ice Pickers
3 Anything is Possiblllllllllllllllllllle
4 Art Vandelay
5 Ashley Remembered
6 Atlantic City Knights
7 Big Benjamins
8 Big Red Leopards
9 BigB
10 BobbleBill
11 Bowron& Bowron
12 Brad's Crossed Arms
13 Bulls on Parade
14 Checksperts
15 Cinderella Story
16 CoLo for the win
17 Covid-69
18 DadTrip
20 Death Star
21 Delusions of Grandeur
22 Devils, Bears, Heels Oh My
23 Diegens
24 Donkey Punching
25 Dr. Fauci
26 Dutchmen
27 EtAl
28 Famous Jewish Sports Legends
29 Favre's Prick Picks
30 Fightin' Amish
31 Fuck Petey
32 Fuji Bomb’s
33 G.B.G. Campaign
34 Get It Done
35 Grassy Nole
36 Gutter Trojans
37 Hawks
38 Henry the Good Doy
39 Hondo
40 Howling Spider Monkeys
41 In play out(s)
42 Jenkins Bros
44 Juicy Fatty Chicken Patties
45 Just Boys in a World
46 Kick Names Take Ass
47 Kissing Cousins
48 Land Thieves
49 Managing Manager
50 Markelle Fultz Is Good
51 McMcMont Inc
52 MDubs3
53 Metaphysical Munchkin
54 Miami Vice
55 N.Y. Jets are killing me
56 Nax Squared
57 Nerd Alert!
58 NY Legends
59 OakLandBeforeTimeXVII
60 OhioSchultz
61 OMG
62 packers
63 Party Like It's 09
64 PenguinsandPolarbears
65 PhilsNDerbs
66 PHX Illini
67 PJM
68 Poker Boys
69 Ramblers
70 Rats Gamblers
71 Red Deaths
72 Rounders
73 Ryan Lynch
74 Seven21
75 Shart Garfunkel
76 SoHoGoat21
77 South Jersey Jamokes
78 Spamoni & Turd
79 Stat Arb for Dummies
80 Subway Hero
81 Tampa Team
82 Tasty Waves
83 The C.O.S.T.A. System
84 The F8 of Shane
85 The Flying Wasp
86 The Joe West Show
87 The Washington Football Team
88 The Wild Bunch
89 the513
90 TheTigerKingOfSports
91 Thing Two
92 Thirteen Five
93 Truffle Butter Express
94 Twice as Nice
95 Victor Ola3po
96 walterhouston22
97 Wanna Pizza Us?
98 War Otto
99 West Virginia Party Boys
100 Wheels of Fortune
101 Wuhan Cocaine Club