2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: War Of Will

# Team
1 22 Milez Away
2 3 Guys 1 Cup
3 3 in the Stink
4 AnnArbaughs
5 ARMageddon
6 BamaDad71
7 BBB- Big Bowron Brand
8 Bearvers
9 Big Jim!
10 Blue Lightning
11 Bolet
12 Brule's Rules
13 Bulls on Parade
15 Caffeine Achiever
16 CavAndKellz
17 Charitable Donation
18 Cheeser31
19 ChillWaveCaps
20 Chosen Newton
21 Damage, Inc.
22 Dhaul42
23 Diamond Medallion
24 Dr. Baum's secret sauce
25 Dr. Mantis Toboggan
26 Dragonroll
27 Driver
28 Drixx Picks
29 Dutchmen
30 fallfromgrace
31 Fartface
32 fc poutine
33 Flip Flip Flipadelphia
34 Fo Shizzle
35 Frat
36 Giggybunt
37 Gilbert Snape
38 GME
39 Gusdad74
40 Handsy Docs
41 Happy Valley
42 HawkFlyTogether
43 Helllooo! La La La
44 Hezzy Jimbos
45 Hi, I'm looking for Ray Finkle
46 I4 Corridor
47 Ice Cold Hank Flamingo
48 IfIScoreMorePointsThanTheOthers...
49 In play, out(s).
50 Jabs
51 Jedi Milo
52 JW4221
53 King Rock
54 Ladder43
55 Le’Veon on a Prayer.
56 League of Shadows
57 LHS llc
58 Lompton
59 Longwood's Finest
60 Lumberjacks
61 Lunatic Fringe
62 M&T
63 Mack7732
64 Mackattack
65 Mags37
66 MattyRads10
67 MegaCool
68 Miami vice
69 Mike Stevens JMU
70 Mistake by the Lake
71 Mr. Jones and Friends
72 Mutt Cutts
73 My bobblehead has bad sneakers
74 My Special Purpose
75 Noelg27
76 Not Mine
78 Oakland (P-T-B-N-L) A's
79 Off Constantly
80 Pablo Escobar
83 PauScauJa
84 Penguins and Polar Bears
85 PJM
86 Queen of Hearts
87 Remy & The Jets
88 Russell the Muscle
89 Rusty's Raiders
90 Ryan L’s Picks
91 Scavnasties
92 Senior&Son
93 Shananigans
94 Shower Sharts
95 Smokeys
96 Special Ks
97 Spitters Are Quitters
98 steel curtain
99 Subway Hero
100 SwissMisterAU
101 TGentile
102 That Ain't Mayo
103 The ambiguously Oliver Yee Duo
104 The Champs Champ
105 The Dusters
106 The High Pitch Erics
107 The Right Angle
108 The Salty Dogs
109 theangrybitterhbrutroll
110 TheRealPSK
111 tlamb5187
112 TOM SD
113 Triplets for the Win
114 Tundra Prius
115 Tycat’s Litterbox
116 Unicorns Are Jerks
117 Utah...Get me two, two
118 Valimorons
119 We The Fans Network
120 Woke Up Feeling Dangerous
121 Yahtzee!!
122 Yippee-Ki-Yay MFers