2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: Brad Keselowski

# Team
1 22 Milez Away
2 6Aces 4Skins & a 3Putt
3 AAF Memorial
4 Aldinho and Sully
5 All The Way Black
6 Amateur Hour
7 AndyParlay
8 Anything is Possiblllllllllllllllllllle
9 Astoria kids
10 Atlantic City Knights
11 Bad Lieutenant
12 Bam Bam
13 BBB- Big Bowron Brand
14 BDBB - The Original
15 Bearvers
16 Beershowers
17 Bentley's Bitches
18 Big Dogs
19 Big Ragu
20 blue bombers
21 BOHICA Tribesmen
22 Boo-yah
23 BPAthletes97
24 Brady & Manning
25 Breakfast Beverages
26 brooklynboyz
27 Brule's Rules
28 Caffeine Achiever
29 Cash Kinghorn
30 Chosen Newton
31 ChubbsPeterson
32 CincyBeerBuds 2.0
33 CraigsBFFs
34 Da Stucci Brothers
35 Danger Zone
36 Death Star
37 DiamondHead Warriors
38 DingleDingle
39 Docile Beasts
40 Doin Wirk
41 Don’t call me Joey
42 Double Down
43 DoubleT1324
44 Dr. Baum's secret sauce
45 Dr. Mantis Toboggan
46 Dragonroll
47 Drixx Picks
48 Egg Salad Sandwich
49 Eggs on the Roof
50 El Chupacabra
51 Eskimo Brothers
52 Fast_EddieFelson
53 Favre's Dick Picks
54 Favre's Prick Picks
55 Fightin' Amish
56 Fighting Irish
57 Fo Shizzle
58 Fonzinoons
59 Fuji's Fockers
60 Full Mast Blast
61 G.B.G. Campaign
63 Get These Nuts Fick
64 Gilbert Snape
65 Glorious Alts
66 Great White Buffalo
67 Greatpoint
68 Gutter Trojans
69 Hondo V
70 I Suck @ This
71 I4 Corridor
72 illetram yeoj
73 Impractical Jokers
74 Jabs
75 Jacoby Jones Gold Glove
76 JCJ Triple Crown
77 Jimmy G for MVP
78 Joe Robbie Stadium
79 Johnny Backpacks
80 Juicy Fatty Chicken Patties
81 Just Gurley Things
82 JW4221
83 Kangatron
84 Kremenator
85 KungFu Pandovals
86 Kzoo Crew
87 Le’Veon on a Prayer.
88 LHS llc
89 Little Yerry Stackhouse
90 Locksmen
91 Lompton
92 Longwood Legends
93 Lynch
94 M&T
95 Managing Managers
96 Marcus Morris Sucks
97 MattyRads10
98 MegaCool
99 MFnParr
100 Might Have a Problem
101 Mr. Jones and Friends
102 Nax Squared
103 No Shorties
104 Noelg27
105 NY Jets Are Killing Me
106 OakLand Before Time XIX
107 Oasis
108 OldTownChode
109 Oliver Rose
110 Oozing Machismo, ESQ
111 OurYear19-20
112 Party Like It's 09
113 Paulina Gret-Skeet Skeet
115 PauScauJa
116 Pay Us!
117 Penguins and Polar Bears
118 Pepe Silvia
119 Philly Special
120 PHX Illini
121 PickleJuice
122 Piss Ants & Spiders
123 PJM
124 PoopityScoop
125 Project Badass
126 Projo’s Dojo
127 Queen of Hearts
128 Randolph and Mortimer
129 RaymondBabbitt
130 Reno Time Share
131 Ripped the Dry Snatch on the Dock
133 Russell the Muscle
134 Sexy Rexy Grossman
136 Shart Garfunkel
137 Shimmer
138 Shower Sharts
139 Sibling Rivalry
140 Sleehrats
141 Special Ks
142 Spitters Are Quitters
143 Springfield Isotopes
144 Stack The Pool
145 StankMo
146 Stat Arb for Dummies
147 stimulus me
148 Subway Hero
149 Suplex Spectacles
150 T-Diddy
151 Taco Dirty to Me
152 Tasty Waves
153 Team Quack
154 Texas Hedge
155 The ambiguously Oliver Yee Duo
156 The author of Catcher in the Rye
157 The Barksdales
158 The Blue Mountain Devils
159 The C.O.S.T.A. System
160 The Dusters
161 The Farbs
162 The Hameltoes
163 The Hatchmen
164 The Hawks
165 The Wild Bunch
166 theangrybitterhbrutroll
167 TheLittleKid
168 Three Judges
169 Too Dope!
170 Travel Nurses
171 Trevor’s Kickass Team
172 Triplets for the Win
173 Tycat’s Litterbox
174 Unicorns Are Jerks
175 Vegas Bedspread
176 Wacenske Team
177 Walloping Weinbags
178 WALSH!
179 walterhouston22
180 walterhouston25
181 West Virginia Party Boys
182 Yahtzee!!
183 YesAwesome
184 ZFG
185 Zola n Double A