2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: San Jose Sharks

# Team
1 $3 Miller Lites
2 4 Dudes 1 Couch
3 AAF Memorial
4 AFreedie
5 All The Way Black
6 Andalooch
7 AndyParlay
8 ARMageddon
9 Ashley Remembered
10 ASigPhi
11 Bad Lieutenant
12 Bean Boge Ballers
13 Bentley's Bitches
14 Big Ragu
15 BigB
16 Blue Lightning
17 Bochy's Farewell Tour
18 BOHICA Tribesmen
19 Bolet
20 Boo-yah
21 BPAthletes97
22 Brady & Manning
23 Breakfast Beverages
24 Bronx bombers
25 Bulls on Parade
26 Caffeine Achiever
27 Can O'Whoopass
28 Cheeser31
29 ChillWaveCaps
30 ChubbsPinkyFinger
31 Death Star
32 DeRp
33 Diamond Medallion
34 Do Wrong Right
35 Donkey Kong Kill Screen
36 Dr. Mantis Toboggan
37 Drixx Picks
38 Eddie's Cruisers
39 Famous Jewish Sports Legends
40 Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
41 Flaccid Thunder by Eddie Merlot's
42 Fo Shizzle
43 Frat
44 Fuji's Fockers
45 Full Mast Blast
46 G.B.G. Campaign
47 Gambling is Illegal at Bushwood
48 GBS
49 Get These Nuts Fick
50 Gilbert Snape
51 Gordon Bombay
52 Grayson Allen..Still My Hero
53 Gusdad74
54 Gypsy Puss Returns
55 Hebert
56 HelplesslyHopingHilton
57 I Suck @ This
58 Ice Cold Hank Flamingo
59 In play, out(s).
60 Jackie Treehorn
61 JD CM
62 Jimmy Dugan
63 Jimmy G for MVP
64 John Daly for President
65 John Freeman
66 Johnny Backpacks
67 Kissing Cousins
68 Kzoo Crew
69 Ladder43
70 Little Yerry Stackhouse
71 Lompton
72 Longwood Legends
73 M&T
74 Macho Row
75 Manganelli Mambo
76 ManorMobbinWVU III
77 MattyRads10
78 Maybe this year?
79 Mean Team
80 Megatron0525
81 MFnParr
82 Miami Heaters Only
83 Mike Stevens JMU
84 Milk Was A Bad Choice
85 MKE
86 Mr. Jones and Friends
87 Mutt Cutts
88 My bobblehead has bad sneakers
89 My Team's On The Floor
90 Nittany Lion
91 No Shorties
92 Noelg27
93 Nostradumbass
94 Nuckin Futs 1920
95 NY Jets Are Killing Me
96 Oakland (P-T-B-N-L) A's
97 Off Constantly
98 Off the Handle
99 Ohio Players
100 Oliver Rose
101 OMG
102 Pablo Escobar
103 Pablo Sanchez
104 Pare La Musica
105 Paulisstillawanker
106 PauScauJa
107 Pay Us!
108 Pepe Silvia
109 PhilsNDerbs13
110 PickleJuice
111 PJM
112 Queen of Hearts
113 RaymondBabbitt
114 Remy & The Jets
115 Reno Time Share
117 Russell the Muscle
118 sachsgoblue
119 Scavnasties
120 Sea Muffs
121 Sexy Rexy Grossman
122 Shananigans
123 Shane 7
124 Sleehrats
125 SLO Mike
126 Smokeys
127 SoHoGoat
128 Special Ks
129 SportsFanatic
130 Stat Arb for Dummies
131 stimulus me
132 SwissMisterAU
133 T-Diddy
134 Taco Dirty to Me
135 Taconuts1
136 Tasty Waves
138 Team Houzzzzz
139 The 209
140 The Farbs
141 The Hameltoes
142 The High Pitch Erics
143 The Revolting Blobs
144 The Salty Dogs
145 TheLittleKid
146 TOM SD
147 Too Dope!
148 Tundra Prius
149 Twice as Nice
150 Two U's Two K's NO Heart
151 Uff
152 Wacenske Team
153 Walloping Weinbags
154 WALSH!
155 walterhouston25
156 Walton's World
157 War Otto
158 Well-Lived Coaching
159 West Virginia Party Boys
160 Winter Sucks
161 Yahtzee!!
162 YesAwesome
163 Yo-Nays
164 Yogi & Bob Bob
165 ZFG
166 Zola n Double A