2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: NL-E Mets

# Team
1 #JohnMatthewStafford
2 $3 Miller Lites
3 2 Brothers
4 3dudes1couch
5 46ers
6 A 1 Sports
7 Abe Froman
8 Agador Spartacus
9 Agent Michael Scarn
10 All About That Paper Boi
11 All Hail the Big Ragu
12 Alone Together
13 Amazing Teenagers
14 Anexation of Puerto Rico
15 Anti Tar Heel Alliance
16 ARMYdoc
17 Arnold & Porter
18 Art Vandelay
19 Ashley Remembered
20 Bald balder baldest
21 Ballin on a budget
22 Balls Deep
23 Basement Dwellers
24 Bean Boge Ballers
25 BigB
26 Blue Bombers
27 Boo-yah!
28 Breakfast Beverages
29 Bronx Bombers
30 BS Roma
32 CavAndKellz
33 Chicks Dig The Long Ball!!
34 Cinderella Story
35 CRR
36 CuzX2
37 Da Stucci Brothers
38 Danger Zone
39 Dangerous Midge
40 David Minc
41 Dhaul42
42 Dream Team
43 Duff Brewery
44 fallfromgrace
45 Fick Can ALWAYS Get Our Nuts
46 Fierce Pierce
47 Fightin' Amish
48 Fighting Tyrones
49 Frank of the World
50 Fuckin Scumbags
51 G.B.G. Campaign
52 gmolloy12
53 Golden Earrings
54 Grayson Allen..Still My Hero
55 Handsy Docs
56 Hartford Yard Goats
57 Hayday Payday
58 Hot Lettuce
59 I hate sports
60 idontrecall
61 Jackie Treehorn
62 Jets3790
63 JetsMetsCanes
64 Jimmy Dugan
65 Jimmy G for MVP
66 John Freeman
67 Khal Mitch
68 Kikirikikiki
69 Ladder43
70 Leckarello
71 Let’s nail this like Big J
72 Long Bombers
73 Long Island Kings
74 LucCon2013
75 Mayor McCheese
76 MDW
77 Mike Stevens JMU
78 Money on the Wood
79 Mr. Jones and Friends
80 My Couch Pulls Out I Dont
81 Nilly Nilly
82 Notable Nicks Team
83 Nuckin Futs!
84 NY Jets are killing me
85 One and Done
86 One Large Love Worm
87 One More Point
88 OthatsBS
89 Palooka
90 Paulisawanker
91 Penguins and Polar Bears
92 Pepe Silvia
93 Phase 3 Profit
94 Psycho Mangos
95 Rock King
96 Rocky Mountain Way
97 rtronce
98 Sean Miller's Discretionary Acct
99 SeattleHuskers
100 SendCaneNudes
101 Shenanigans
102 Shower Sharts
103 Sibling Rivalry
104 Simms Team
105 SixSuperbowls
106 Special Ks
107 SportsFanatic
108 sslefton
109 Stack the Pool
110 Stephen Hawking School of Dance
111 Steve Adzima Picks
112 Sunshine Rice Express
113 SwissMisterAU
114 T-Diddy
115 Taconuts
116 Tacos de Frumunda Fresca
117 Teddy Bridge-Over Troubled-Water
118 The Big Sexy
119 The Green Inferno
120 The Hawks
121 The Illinois Enema Bandit
122 The Rodfather
123 The Usual Suspects
124 Those that can't.....Teach
125 Threejudges
127 Two Doofs
128 Vivi2018
129 Walton’s World
130 War Otto
131 WeinBean
132 Well-Lived Coaching
133 Whiskey Slushies
134 Whitebread Has-Been
135 Wim Hof Win
136 Yankus55
137 ZFG