2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: Brazil

# Team
1 'Bating Jackers
2 1505
3 A-A-Ron
4 Abe Froman
5 Agador Spartacus
6 Ain’t We Lucky We Got’em
7 All About That Paper Boi
8 All Hail the Big Ragu
9 All The Way Black
10 Anti Tar Heel Alliance
11 ARMageddon
12 Arnold & Porter
13 Art Vandelay
14 Ashley Remembered
15 Bald balder baldest
16 Balls Deep
17 Bam Bam
18 Basement Dwellers
19 Bean Boge Ballers
20 Blind Luck
21 Blue Label Reclamation Project
22 BoilerGators
23 Boo-yah!
24 Booze 4 Duzz
25 Bowron & Bowron
26 Brad's Crossed Arms
27 Breakfast Beverages
28 Brett Mr. Borbidge
29 Brooklynboyz
30 Brule's Rules
32 Caleb Hannabury
33 Can O’Whoopass
34 CavAndKellz
35 cdloughmiller
36 Cheers 04 07 13
37 Chicago Sunroofs
38 Chicks Dig The Long Ball!!
39 Chosen Newton
40 College Park Hornets
41 Da Stucci Brothers
42 Dalé
43 Danger Zone
44 Dangerous Midge
45 David Minc
46 DingleForLife
47 Dock Ellis
48 Dream Team
49 Dro + Dave
50 Dutch Rudders
51 Dutchmen
52 Eddie Knows Howe
53 Favre's Prick Picks
54 Fierce Pierce
55 FIFA Clique
56 Fighting Tyrones
57 Fisch Stix
58 Foghorn
59 Frank of the World
60 G.B.G. Campaign
61 Gambling $$
62 Garnutch BBB’s
63 GBS
64 Glorious Alts
65 Go Bulldogs!
66 Golden Earrings
67 Greatpoint
68 Gutter Trojans
69 Handsy Docs
70 Hayday Payday
71 Hebert team
72 Heinz Capel
73 Here for Tacos
74 Hondo III
75 HoosYourDaddy
76 Hot Lettuce
77 Illetram Yeoj
78 Impractical Jokers
79 Jackie Treehorn
80 Janefonda
81 Jason Kelce's Hungry Dogs
82 JenkinsBros
83 JetsMetsCanes
84 Jimmy Dugan
85 Johnny Backpacks
86 Kangatron
87 Keoni Felloffdasofa
88 Khal Mitch
89 KPKlystrons
90 La Cheeserie!
91 Let’s nail this like Big J
93 Long Island Kings
94 LucCon2013
95 M&T
96 Maize&BlueFinal4
97 Mayor McCheese
98 MegaCool
100 Miami Vice
101 Milo
102 Money on the Wood
103 My Wife, The Tramp
104 Nax Squared
105 Nerd Alert!
106 Nittany Lions
107 OakLand Before Time XII
108 One and Done
109 One Large Love Worm
110 Pare La Musica
111 Patty's Midnight Runners
112 Penguins and Polar Bears
113 Pepe Silvia
114 Philly’s Phinest
115 PJM
116 Power Top
117 Prestige Worldwide
118 Professional Fantasizer
119 Project Badass
120 Projo's Dojo
121 Red Deaths
122 Rightward Sloping
123 rtronce
124 Russell The Muscle
125 Rusty's Raiders
126 Sack Lunch
127 Scaled Dragons
128 Schwardy
129 Senior & Son
130 Sexy Rexy Grossman
131 Shart Garfunkel
132 Shenanigans
133 Shower Sharts
134 SixSuperbowls
135 Slandro Champions
137 South Central Granby
138 Staten Islands Finest
139 Stephen Hawking School of Dance
140 Subway Hero
141 T-Diddy
142 Taconuts
143 Tacos de Frumunda Fresca
144 Tart n Juicy
145 Tasty Waves
146 Team NoShot
147 Team Quack
148 Teddy Bridge-Over Troubled-Water
149 The Bizuation
150 The Brain Trust
151 The Green Inferno
152 The Hawks
153 The Odell Hotel
154 The Ruthless Posse
155 The Salty Dogs
156 The Usual Suspects
157 The Weiners
158 theangrybitterhbrutroll
159 TheBreadMen
160 TheRealPSK
161 Threejudges
162 Triple Stamp A Double Stamp!
163 Tundra Prius
164 Two Doofs
165 Uptown Guurls
166 Utah...Gimmie Two, Two
167 Valimorons
168 Van Buren Boys
169 War Otto
170 We Are....
171 WeinBean
172 West Virginia Party Boys
173 WVU XFactor
174 Wydaho
175 Yes to Adventure
176 You Might Win
177 Zach/Amar