2024/2025 Decathlon: Who Selected: e Serbia

# Team
1 #JohnMatthewStafford
2 1505
3 46ers
5 Ain’t We Lucky We Got’em
6 All Hail the Big Ragu
7 Art Vandelay
8 Balls Deep
9 BamaDad71
10 Bebop and Rocksteady
11 Black n Jewish
12 Blue Bombers
13 Blue Label Reclamation Project
14 Booze 4 Duzz
15 Bowron & Bowron
16 Bro-Lo El Cuñado
18 Bud Makes Me Weiser
20 cdloughmiller
21 Cheers 04 07 13
22 Cinnamon Flakes
23 CuzX2
24 Dad Boner
25 Dangerous Midge
26 Dhaul42
27 Diamondhead Warriors
28 DingleForLife
29 Docile Beasts
30 Dock Ellis
31 Dro + Dave
32 El Chupacabra
33 Eskimo Brothers
34 fallfromgrace
35 Fick Can ALWAYS Get Our Nuts
36 Fighting Tyrones
37 Fisch Stix
38 GBS
39 Giggybunt
40 Golden Earrings
41 Hartford Yard Goats
42 Hebert team
43 Heinz Capel
44 HoosYourDaddy
45 Hot Lettuce
46 I Can’t Stop!
47 Impractical Jokers
48 JetsMetsCanes
49 John Freeman
50 Johnny Backpacks
51 Keoni Felloffdasofa
52 KungFu Pandovals
53 Kzoo Crew
54 La Cheeserie!
55 Leckarello
56 Little Chocolate Donuts
57 LucCon2013
58 Managing Managers
59 Manski
60 Mayor McCheese
61 MegaCool
62 Mike Stevens JMU
63 Minnesota North Stars
64 My Couch Pulls Out I Dont
65 My Wife Will Beat You In Golf
66 My Wife, The Tramp
67 Nerd Alert!
68 Notable Nicks Team
69 Nuckin Futs!
70 Paulisawanker
71 PayneStewartEasterMiracle
72 Philly’s Phinest
73 Pinky Slo
74 PJM
75 Project Badass
76 Projo's Dojo
77 PumpkinPieHaircuttedFreaks
78 Ran
79 RD
80 Ripped the Dry Snatch on the Dock
81 Rock Chalk Jayhawk BCP
82 SC Phanatics
83 Sean Miller's Discretionary Acct
84 Sexy Rexy Grossman
85 Shermanation
86 Sibling Rivalry
88 Sportwonks
89 Stank
90 Stinkers to Never a Chance (Third Ed.)
91 T-Diddy
92 Tasty Waves
93 TeaBaggers
94 Team NoShot
95 Team Quack
96 The C.O.S.T.A. System
97 The Frat House
98 The Green Inferno
99 The Hameltoes
100 The Odell Hotel
101 The Roc Pile
102 The Rodfather
103 Triplets for the Win
104 Tundra Prius
105 Tycat’s Litterbox
106 Van Buren Boys
107 WeinBean
108 Well-Lived Coaching
109 Yankus55
110 Zach/Amar
111 Zola n Double A
112 Zubs